Call For Paper
International Conference on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (ICROSMA) provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Robotics and Smart Manufacturing. The conference will bring together leading researchers, Business man and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Accordingly, Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
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Mobile and Autonomous RobotsMilli, Micro and Nano Robots
Serial, Parallel and Compliant Mechanisms
Robots in Manufacturing Automation
Robot Design, Modeling, and Simulation
Robot Control and AI
Haptics and Medical Robotics
Collaborative and Swarm Robotics
Underwater and Marine Robotics
Space Robotics
Wearable Robotic Devices
Robotics and Image Processing
Smart Materials in Robotic Applications
Sensors and Actuators for Robotic Applications
Robotics and IoT
Robots in Heritage Protection
Humanoid and Bio-Inspired Robots
Social, Rescue, and Demining Robots
Robot Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Robots in Extreme Environments
Robotics in Smart/Digital Manufacturing
Automation and Robotics in Agriculture
Robots in Home Automation
Robot Assisted Additive Manufacturing
Optimization Techniques in Digital Manufacturing
Aerial Robots in Surveillance
Robots in Sports and Entertainment
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Multi Robotic Systems in Manufacturing
Industry Automation and IoT